mote SOP

mote is a MeetBot log wrangler, providing an user-friendly interface for viewing logs produced by Fedora’s IRC meetings.


  1. Contact information

  2. Deployment

  3. Description

  4. Configuration

  5. Database

  6. Managing mote

  7. Suspespending mote operation

  8. Changing mote’s name and category definitions

Contact Information






Fedora Infrastructure


IRC meeting coordination


If you have access to rbac-playbook:

sudo rbac-playbook groups/value.yml

Forcing Reload

There is a playbook that can force mote to update its cache in case it gets stuck somehow:

sudo rbac-playbook manual/rebuild/mote.yml

Doing Upgrades

Put a new copy of the mote rpm in the infra repo and run:

sudo rbac-playbook manual/upgrade/mote.yml


mote is a Python webapp running on Flask with mod_wsgi. It can be used to view past logs, browse meeting minutes, or glean other information relevant to Fedora’s IRC meetings. It employs a JSON file store cache, in addition to a memcached store which is currently not in use with Fedora infrastructure.


mote configuration is located in /etc/mote/ The configuration contains all configurable items for all mote services. Alterations to configuration that aren’t temporary should be done through ansible playbooks. Configuration changes have no effect on running services — they need to be restarted, which can be done using the playbook.


mote does not currently utilise any databases, although it uses a file store in Fedora Infrastructure and has an optional memcached store which is currently unused.

Managing mote

mote is ran using mod_wsgi and httpd, hence, you must manage the httpd service to change mote’s status.

Suspespending mote operation

mote can be stopped by stopping the httpd service:

service httpd stop

Changing mote’s name and category definitions

mote uses a set of JSON name and category definitions to provide friendly names, aliases, and listings on its interface. These definitions can be located in mote’s GitHub repository, and need to be pulled into ansible in order to be deployed.

These files are name_mappings.json and category_mappings.json. To deploy an update to these definitions, place the updated name and category mapping files in ansible/roles/mote/templates. Run the playbook in order to deploy your changes.