Sigul servers upgrades/reboots

Fedora currently has 1 sign-bridge and 2 sign-vault machines for primary, there is a similar setup for secondary architectures. When upgrading or rebooting these machines, some special steps must be taken to ensure everything is working as expected.

Contact Information


Fedora Release Engineering


#fedora-admin, #fedora-noc


sign-vault03, sign-vault04, sign-bridge02,


Upgrade or restart sign servers


0. Coordinate with releng on timing. Make sure no signing is happening, and none is planned for a bit.


  1. Apply updates or changes

  2. Reboot virtual instance

  3. Once it comes back, start the sigul_bridge service and enter empty password.


  1. Determine which server is currently primary. It’s the one that has the

    floating ip address for sign-vault02 on it.

  2. Login to the non primary server via serial or management console.

    (There is no ssh access to these servers)

  3. Take a lvm snapshot:

    lvcreate --size 5G --snapshot --name YYYMMDD /dev/mapper/vg_signvault04-lv_root
    Replace YYMMDD with todays year, month, day and the vg with the correct name
    Then apply updates.
  4. Confirm the server comes back up ok, login to serial console or management:: console and start the sigul_server process. Enter password when prompted.

  5. On the primary server, down the floating ip address:

    ip addr del dev eth0
  6. On the secondary server, up the floating ip address:

    ip addr add dev eth0
  7. Have rel-eng folks sign some packages to confirm all is working.

  8. Update/reboot the old primary server and confirm it comes back up ok.


Changes to database

When making any changes to the database (new keys, etc), it’s important to sync the data from the primary to the secondary server. This process is currently manual.