Log Infrastructure SOP

Logs are centrally referred to our loghost and managed from there by rsyslog to create several log outputs.

Epylog provides twice-daily log reports of activities on our systems. It runs on our central loghost and generates reports on all systems centrally logging.

Contact Information


Fedora Infrastructure Team


#fedora-admin, sysadmin-main






Provides our central logs and reporting

Essential data/locations:

  • Logs compiled using rsyslog on log01 into a single set of logs for all systems:


    These logs are rotated every day and kept for only 2 days. This set of logs is only used for immediate analysis and more trivial 'tailing' of the log file to watch for events.

  • Logs for each system separately in /var/log/hosts

    These logs are maintained forever, practically, or for as long as we possibly can. They are broken out into a $hostname/$YEAR/$MON/$DAY directory structure so we can locate a specific day’s log immediately.

  • Log reports generated by epylog: Log reports generated by epylog are outputted to /srv/web/epylog/merged

    The reports are accessible via a web browser from https://admin.fedoraproject.org/epylog/merged/

    This path requires a username and a password to access. To add your username and password you must first join the sysadmin-logs group then login to log01.phx2.fedoraproject.org and run this command:

    htpasswd -m /srv/web/epylog/.htpasswd $your_username

    when prompted for a password please input a password which is NOT YOUR FEDORA ACCOUNT SYSTEM PASSWORD.


Let’s say that again to be sure you got it:



Epylog configs are controlled by ansible - please see the ansible epylog module for more details. Specifically the files in roles/epylog/files/merged/

Generating a one-off epylog report:

If you wish to generate a specific log report you will need to run the following command on log01:

sudo /usr/sbin/epylog -c /etc/epylog/merged/epylog.conf --last 5h

You can replace '5h' with other time measurements to control the amount of time you want to view from the merged logs. This will mail a report notification to all the people in the sysadmin-logs group.

Audit logs, centrally:

We’ve taken the audit logs and enabled our rsyslogd on the hosts to relay the audit log contents to our central log server.

Here’s how we did that:

  1. modify the selinux policy so that rsyslogd can read the file(s) in /var/log/audit/audit.log

BEGIN Selinux policy module:

module audit_via_syslog 1.0;

require {
    type syslogd_t;
    type auditd_log_t;
    class dir { search };
    class file { getattr read open };


#============= syslogd_t ==============
allow syslogd_t auditd_log_t:dir search;
allow syslogd_t auditd_log_t:file { getattr read open };

END selinux policy module

  1. add config to rsyslog on the clients to repeatedly send all changes to their audit.log file to the central syslog server as local6:

    # monitor auditd log and send out over local6 to central loghost
    $ModLoad imfile.so
    # auditd audit.log
    $InputFileName /var/log/audit/audit.log
    $InputFileTag tag_audit_log:
    $InputFileStateFile audit_log
    $InputFileSeverity info
    $InputFileFacility local6

then modify your emitter to the syslog server to send local6.* there

  1. on the syslog server - setup log destinations for:

    • merged audit logs of all hosts explicitly drop any non-AVC audit message here) magic exclude line is:

      :msg, !contains, "type=AVC" ~

      that line must be directly above the log entry you want to filter and it has a cascade effect on everything below it unless you disable the filter

      • per-host audit logs - this is everything from audit.log

  2. On the syslog server - we can run audit2allow/audit2why on the audit logs sent there by doing this:

    grep 'hostname' /var/log/merged/audit.log | sed 's/^.*tag_audit_log: //' | audit2allow

    the sed is to remove the log prefix garbage from syslog transferring the msg


  • additional log reports for errors from http processes or servers

  • SEC Simple Event Coordinator to report, immediately, on events from a log stream - available in fedora/epel.

  • New report modules within epylog