Blockerbugs Infrastructure SOP

Blockerbugs is an app developed by Fedora QA to aid in tracking items related to release blocking and freeze exception bugs in branched Fedora releases.


  1. Contact Information

  2. File Locations

  3. Upgrade Process

    • Upgrade Preparation (for all upgrades)

    • Minor Upgrade (no db change)

    • Major Upgrade (with db changes)

Contact Information


Fedora QA Devel






blockerbugs01.phx2, blockerbugs02.phx2, blockerbugs01.stg.phx2


Hosting the blocker bug tracking application for QA

File Locations

/etc/blockerbugs/ - configuration for the app

Node Roles


the staging instance, it is not load balanced


one of the load balanced production nodes, it is responsible for running bugzilla/bodhi/koji sync


the other load balanced production node. It does not do any sync operations

Building for Infra

Do not use mock

For whatever reason, the epel7-infra koji tag rejects SRPMs with the el7.centos dist tag. Make sure that you build SRPMs with:

rpmbuild -bs --define='dist .el7' blockerbugs.spec

Also note that this expects the release tarball to be in ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/.

Building with Koji

You’ll need to ask someone who has rights to build into epel7-infra tag to make the build for you:

koji build epel7-infra blockerbugs-

The fun bit of this is that python-flask is only available on x86_64 builders. If your build is routed to one of the non-x86_64, it will fail. The only solution available to us is to keep submitting the build until it’s routed to one of the x86_64 builders and doesn’t fail.

Once the build is complete, it should be automatically tagged into epel7-infra-stg (after a ~15 min delay), so that you can test it on blockerbugs staging instance. Once you’ve verified it’s working well, ask someone with infra rights to move it to epel7-infra tag so that you can update it in production.


Blockerbugs is currently configured through ansible and all configuration changes need to be done through ansible.

Upgrade Preparation (all upgrades)

Blockerbugs is not packaged in epel, so the new build needs to exist in the infrastructure stg repo for deployment to stg or the infrastructure repo for deployments to production.

See the blockerbugs documentation for instructions on building a blockerbugs RPM.

Minor Upgrades (no database changes)

Run the following on both blockerbugs01.phx2 and blockerbugs02.phx2 if updating in production.

  1. Update ansible with config changes, push changes to the ansible repo:

  2. Clear yum cache and update the blockerbugs RPM:

    yum clean expire-cache && yum update blockerbugs
  3. Restart httpd to reload the application:

    service httpd restart

Major Upgrades (with database changes)

Run the following on both blockerbugs01.phx2 and blockerbugs02.phx2 if updating in production.

  1. Update ansible with config changes, push changes to the ansible repo:

  2. Stop httpd on all relevant instances (if load balanced):

    service httpd stop
  3. Clear yum cache and update the blockerbugs RPM on all relevant instances:

    yum clean expire-cache && yum update blockerbugs
  4. Upgrade the database schema:

    blockerbugs upgrade_db
  5. Check the upgrade by running a manual sync to make sure that nothing unexpected went wrong:

    blockerbugs sync
  6. Start httpd back up:

    service httpd start