FedMsg Notifications (FMN) SOP

Route individualized notifications to fedora contributors over email, irc.

Contact Information


  • Messaging SIG

  • Fedora Infrastructure Team


  • #fedora-apps for FMN development

  • #fedora-fedmsg for an IRC feed of all fedmsgs

  • #fedora-admin for problems with the deployment of FMN

  • #fedora-noc for outage/crisis alerts


Production servers:

  • notifs-backend01.phx2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

  • notifs-web01.phx2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

  • notifs-web02.phx2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

Staging servers:

  • notifs-backend01.stg.phx2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

  • notifs-web01.stg.phx2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

  • notifs-web02.stg.phx2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)


Route notifications to users


fmn is a pair of systems intended to route fedmsg notifications to Fedora contributors and users.

There is a web interface running on notifs-web01 and notifs-web02 that allows users to login and configure their preferences to select this or that type of message.

There is a backend running on notifs-backend01 where most of the work is done.

The backend process is a 'fedmsg-hub' daemon, controlled by systemd.



This host runs:

  • fedmsg-hub.service

  • One or more fmn-worker@.service. Currently notifs-backend01 runs fmn-worker@{1-4}.service

  • fmn-backend@1.service

  • fmn-digests@1.service

  • rabbitmq-server.service, an AMQP broker used to communicate between the services.

  • redis.service, used for caching.

This host relies on a PostgreSQL database running on db01.phx2.fedoraproject.org.


This host runs:

This host relies on a PostgreSQL database running on db01.phx2.fedoraproject.org.


Once upstream releases a new version of fmn, fmn-web, or fmn-sse creating a Git tag, a new version can be built an deployed into Fedora infrastructure.


FMN is packaged in Fedora and EPEL as python-fmn (the backend), python-fmn-web (the frontend), and the optional python-fmn-sse.

Since all the hosts run RHEL 7, you need to build all these packages for EPEL 7.


If there are any configuration updates required by the new version of FMN, update the notifs Ansible roles on batcave01.phx2.fedoraproject.org. Remember to use:

{% if env == 'staging' %}
    <new config here>
{% else %}
    <retain old config>
{% endif %}

When deploying the update to staging. You can apply configuration updates to staging by running:

$ sudo rbac-playbook -l staging groups/notifs-backend.yml
$ sudo rbac-playbook -l staging groups/notifs-web.yml

Simply drop the -l staging to update the production configuration.


To upgrade the python-fmn, python-fmn-web, and python-fmn-sse packages, apply configuration changes, and restart the services, you should use the manual upgrade playbook:

$ sudo rbac-playbook -l staging manual/upgrade/fmn.yml

Again, drop the -l staging flag to upgrade production.

Be aware that the FMN services take a significant amount of time to start up as they pre-heat their caches before starting work.

Service Administration

Disable an account (on notifs-backend01):

$ sudo -u fedmsg /usr/local/bin/fmn-disable-account USERNAME


$ sudo systemctl restart fedmsg-hub

Watch logs:

$ sudo journalctl -u fedmsg-hub -f


$ ls /etc/fedmsg.d/
$ sudo fedmsg-config | less

Monitor performance:


Upgrade (from batcave):

$ sudo -i ansible-playbook /srv/web/infra/ansible/playbooks/manual/upgrade/fmn.yml

Mailing Lists

We use FMN as a way to forward certain kinds of messages to mailing lists so people can read them the good old fashioned way that they like to. To accomplish this, we create 'bot' FAS accounts with their own FMN profiles and we set their email addresses to the lists in question.

If you need to change the way some set of messages are forwarded, you can do it from the FMN web interface (if you are an FMN admin as defined in the config file in roles/notifs/frontend/). You can navigate to https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications/USERNAME.id.fedoraproject.org to do this.

If the account exists as a FAS user already (for instance, the virtmaint user) but it does not yet exist in FMN, you can add it to the FMN database by logging in to notifs-backend01 and running fmn-create-user --email DESTINATION@EMAIL.COM --create-defaults FAS_USERNAME.