Mirror hiding Infrastructure SOP

At times, such as release day, there may be a conflict between Red Hat trying to release content for RHEL, and Fedora trying to release Fedora. One way to limit the pain to Red Hat on release day is to hide download.fedora.redhat.com from the publiclist and mirrorlist redirector, which will keep most people from downloading the content from Red Hat directly.

Contact Information


Fedora Infrastructure Team


#fedora-admin, sysadmin-main, sysadmin-web group




app3, app4


Hide Public Mirrors from the publiclist / mirrorlist redirector


To hide a public mirror, so it doesn’t appear on the publiclist or the mirrorlist, simply go into the MirrorManager administrative web user interface, at [45]https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager. Fedora sysadmins can see all Sites and Hosts. For each Site and Host, there is a checkbox marked "private", which if set, will hide that Site (and all its Hosts), or just that single Host, such that it won’t appear on the public lists.

To make a private-marked mirror public, simply clear the "private" checkbox again.

This change takes effect at the top of each hour.