websocket SOP

websocket communication with Fedora apps.

see-also: fedmsg-gateway.txt

Contact Information


Messaging SIG, Fedora Infrastructure Team


#fedora-apps, #fedora-admin, #fedora-noc


busgateway01, proxy0*, app0*


Expose a websocket server for FI apps to use


WebSocket is a protocol (an extension of HTTP/1.1) by which client web browsers can establish full-duplex socket communications with a server --the "real-time web".

In our case, webapps served from app0* and packages0* will include javascript code instructing client browsers to establish a second connection to our WebSocket server. They point browsers to the following addresses:





The websocket server itself is a fedmsg-hub daemon running on busgateway01. It is configured to enable its websocket server component in the presence of certain configuration values.

haproxy mediates connections to the fedmsg-hub websocket server daemon. An stunnel daemon provides SSL support.

Connection Flow

The connection flow is much the same as in the fedmsg-gateway.txt SOP, but is somewhat more complicated.

"Normal" HTTP requests to our app servers traverse the following chain:

Client -> apache(proxy01) -> haproxy(proxy01) -> apache(app01)

The flow for a websocket requests looks something like this:

Client -> stunnel(proxy01) -> haproxy(proxy01) -> fedmsg-hub(busgateway01)

stunnel is listening on a public port, negotiates the SSL connection, and redirects the connection to haproxy who in turn hands it off to the fedmsg-hub websocket server listening on busgateway01.

At the time of this writing, haproxy does not actually load balance zeromq session requests across multiple busgateway0* machines, but there is nothing stopping us from adding them. New hosts can be added in ansible and pressed from busgateway01’s template. Add them to the fedmsg-websockets listen in haproxy’s config and it should Just Work.


We had RHIT open up port 9939 special to proxy01.phx2 for this.