
cyclades notes

  1. login as root - default password is tslinux

  2. change password for root and admin to our password from the

    phx2-access.txt file in the private repo

  3. port forward to the web browser for the cyclades

    ssh -L

  4. connect to localhost:8080 in your web browser

  5. login with root and the password you set above

  6. click on 'security'

  7. click on 'moderate'

  8. logout, port forward port 443 as above

    ssh -L

  9. click on the 'wizard' button at lower left

  10. proceed through the wizard Info needed:

    • serial ports are set to 115200 8N1 by default

    • do not setup buffering

    • give it the ip of our syslog server

  11. click 'apply changes'

  12. hope

  13. log back in

  14. name/setup the port aliases