Bodhi Infrastructure SOP

Bodhi is used by Fedora developers to submit potential package updates for releases and to manage buildroot overrides. From here, bodhi handles all of the dirty work, from sending around emails, dealing with Koji, to composing the repositories.

Bodhi production instance: Bodhi project page:


  1. Contact Information

  2. Adding a new pending release

  3. 0-day Release Actions

  4. Configuring all bodhi nodes

  5. Pushing updates

  6. Monitoring the bodhi composer output

  7. Resuming a failed push

  8. Performing a production bodhi upgrade

  9. Syncing the production database to staging

  10. Release EOL

  11. Adding notices to the front page or new update form

  12. Using the Bodhi Shell to modify updates by hand

  13. Using the Bodhi shell to fix uniqueness problems with e-mail addresses

  14. Troubleshooting and Resolution

Contact Information


Fedora Infrastructure Team







  • (composer)

  • (web front end and backend task workers for non-compose tasks)

  • (staging composer)

  • (staging web front end and backend task workers for non-compose tasks)


Push package updates, and handle new submissions.

Adding a new pending release

Adding and modifying releases is done using the bodhi-manage-releases tool.

You can add a new pending release by running this command:

bodhi-manage-releases create --name F23 --long-name "Fedora 23" --id-prefix FEDORA --version 23 --branch f23 --dist-tag f23 --stable-tag f23-updates --testing-tag f23-updates-testing --candidate-tag f23-updates-candidate --pending-stable-tag f23-updates-pending --pending-testing-tag f23-updates-testing-pending --override-tag f23-override --state pending

Pre-Beta Bodhi config

Enable pre_beta policy in bodhi config in ansible.


Uncomment or add the following lines:

#f29.status = pre_beta
#f29.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3
#f29.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1
#f29.pre_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14

Post-Beta Bodhi config

Enable post_beta policy in bodhi config in ansible.


Comment or remove the following lines corresponding to pre_beta policy:

#f29.status = pre_beta
#f29.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3
#f29.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1
#f29.pre_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14

Uncomment or add the following lines for post_beta policy

#f29.status = post_beta
#f29.post_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7
#f29.post_beta.critpath.min_karma = 2
#f29.post_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14

0-day Release Actions

  • update atomic config

  • run the ansible playbook

Going from pending to a proper release in bodhi requires a few steps:

Change state from pending to current:

bodhi-manage-releases edit --name F23 --state current

You may also need to disable any pre-beta or post-beta policy defined in the bodhi config in ansible.:


Uncomment or remove the lines related to pre and post beta polcy

#f29.status = post_beta
#f29.post_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7
#f29.post_beta.critpath.min_karma = 2
#f29.post_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14
#f29.status = pre_beta
#f29.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3
#f29.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1
#f29.pre_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14

Configuring all bodhi nodes

Run this command from the ansible checkout to configure all of bodhi in production:

# This will configure the backends
$ sudo rbac-playbook playbooks/groups/bodhi2.yml
# This will configure the frontend
$ sudo rbac-playbook openshift-apps/bodhi.yml

Pushing updates

SSH into the bodhi-backend01 machine and run:

$ sudo -u apache bodhi-push

You can restrict the updates by release and/or request:

$ sudo -u apache bodhi-push --releases f23,f22 --request stable

You can also push specific builds:

$ sudo -u apache bodhi-push --builds openssl-1.0.1k-14.fc22,openssl-1.0.1k-14.fc23

This will display a list of updates that are ready to be pushed.

Monitoring the bodhi composer output

You can monitor the bodhi composer via the bodhi CLI tool, or via the systemd journal on bodhi-backend01:

# From the comfort of your own laptop.
$ bodhi composes list
# From bodhi-backend01
$ journalctl -f -u fedmsg-hub

Resuming a failed push

If a push fails for some reason, you can easily resume it on bodhi-backend01 by running:

$ sudo -u apache bodhi-push --resume

Performing a bodhi upgrade

Build Bodhi

Bodhi is deployed from the infrastructure Koji repositories. At the time of this writing, it is deployed from the f29-infra and f29-infra-stg (for staging) repositories. Bodhi is built for these repositories from the master branch of the bodhi dist-git repository.

As an example, to build a Bodhi beta for the f29-infra-stg repository, you can use this command:

$ rpmbuild --define "dist .fc29.infra" -bs bodhi.spec
Wrote: /home/bowlofeggs/rpmbuild/SRPMS/bodhi-3.13.0-0.0.beta.e0ca5bc.fc29.infra.src.rpm
$ koji build f29-infra /home/bowlofeggs/rpmbuild/SRPMS/bodhi-3.13.0-0.0.beta.e0ca5bc.fc29.infra.src.rpm

When building a Bodhi release that is intended for production, we should build from the production dist-git repo instead of uploading an SRPM:

$ koji build f29-infra git+

All builds against the f29-infra build target will go into the f29-infra-stg repository. If you wish to promote a build from staging to production, you can do something like this command:

$ koji move-build f29-infra-stg f29-infra bodhi-3.13.0-1.fc29.infra


The upgrade playbook will apply configuration changes after running the alembic upgrade. Sometimes you may need changes applied to the Bodhi systems in order to get the upgrade playbook to succeed. If you are in this situation, you can apply those changes by running the bodhi-backend playbook:

sudo rbac-playbook -l staging groups/bodhi-backend.yml

In the os_masters inventory <>_, edit the bodhi_version setting it to the version you wish to deploy to staging. For example, to deploy bodhi-3.13.0-1.fc29.infra to staging, I would set that varible like this:

bodhi_version: "bodhi-3.13.0-1.fc29.infra"

Run these commands:

# Synchronize the database from production to staging
$ sudo rbac-playbook manual/staging-sync/bodhi.yml -l staging
# Upgrade the Bodhi backend on staging
$ sudo rbac-playbook manual/upgrade/bodhi.yml -l staging
# Upgrade the Bodhi frontend on staging
$ sudo rbac-playbook openshift-apps/bodhi.yml -l staging


The upgrade playbook will apply configuration changes after running the alembic upgrade. Sometimes you may need changes applied to the Bodhi systems in order to get the upgrade playbook to succeed. If you are in this situation, you can apply those changes by running the bodhi-backend playbook:

sudo rbac-playbook groups/bodhi-backend.yml -l bodhi-backend

In the os_masters inventory <>_, edit the bodhi_version setting it to the version you wish to deploy to production. For example, to deploy bodhi-3.13.0-1.fc29.infra to production, I would set that varible like this:

bodhi_version: "bodhi-3.13.0-1.fc29.infra"

To update the bodhi RPMs in production:

# Update the backend VMs (this will also run the migrations, if any)
$ sudo rbac-playbook manual/upgrade/bodhi.yml -l bodhi-backend
# Update the frontend
$ sudo rbac-playbook openshift-apps/bodhi.yml

Syncing the production database to staging

This can be useful for testing issues with production data in staging:

$ sudo rbac-playbook manual/staging-sync/bodhi.yml -l staging

Release EOL

bodhi-manage-releases edit --name F21 --state archived

Adding notices to the front page or new update form

You can easily add notification messages to the front page of bodhi using the frontpage_notice option in ansible/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/production.ini.j2. If you want to flash a message on the New Update Form, you can use the newupdate_notice variable instead. This can be useful for announcing things like service outages, etc.

Using the Bodhi Shell to modify updates by hand

The "bodhi shell" is a Python shell with the SQLAlchemy session and transaction manager initialized. It can be run from any production/staging backend instance and allows you to modify any models by hand.

sudo pshell /etc/bodhi/production.ini

# Execute a script that sets up the `db` and provides a `delete_update` function.
# This will eventually be shipped in the bodhi package, but can also be found here.
>>> execfile('')

At this point you have access to a db SQLAlchemy Session instance, a t transaction module, and m for the bodhi.models.

# Fetch an update, and tweak it as necessary.
>>> up = m.Update.get(u'u'FEDORA-2016-4d226a5f7e', db)

# Commit the transaction
>>> t.commit()

Here is an example of merging two updates together and deleting the original.

>>> up = m.Update.get(u'FEDORA-2016-4d226a5f7e', db)
>>> up.builds
[<Build {'epoch': 0, 'nvr': u'resteasy-3.0.17-2.fc24'}>, <Build {'epoch': 0, 'nvr': u'pki-core-10.3.5-1.fc24'}>]
>>> b = up.builds[0]
>>> up2 = m.Update.get(u'FEDORA-2016-5f63a874ca', db)
>>> up2.builds
[<Build {'epoch': 0, 'nvr': u'resteasy-3.0.17-3.fc24'}>]
>>> up.builds.remove(b)
>>> up.builds.append(up2.builds[0])
>>> delete_update(up2)
>>> t.commit()

Using the Bodhi shell to fix uniqueness problems with e-mail addresses

Bodhi currently enforces uniqueness on user e-mail addresses. There is an issue filed to drop this upstream, but for the time being the constraint is enforced. This can be a problem for users who have more than one FAS account if they make one account use an e-mail address that was previously used by another account, if that other account has not logged into Bodhi since it was changed to use a different address. One way the user can fix this themselves is to log in to Bodhi with the old account so that Bodhi learns about its new address. However, an admin can also fix this by hand by using the Bodhi shell.

For example, suppose a user has created user_1 and user_2. Suppose that user_1 used to use but has been changed to use in FAS, and user_2 is now configured to use in FAS. If user_2 attempts to log in to Bodhi, it will cause a uniqueness violation since Bodhi does not know that user_1 has changed to The user can simply log in as user_1 to fix this, which will cause Bodhi to update its e-mail address to Or an admin can fix it with a shell on one of the Bodhi backend servers like this:

[bowlofeggs@bodhi-backend02 ~][PROD]$ sudo -u apache pshell /etc/bodhi/production.ini
2018-05-29 20:21:36,366 INFO  [bodhi][MainThread] Using python-bugzilla
2018-05-29 20:21:36,367 DEBUG [bodhi][MainThread] Using Koji Buildsystem
2018-05-29 20:21:42,559 INFO  [bodhi.server][MainThread] Bodhi ready and at your service!
Python 2.7.14 (default, Mar 14 2018, 13:36:31)
[GCC 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5)] on linux2
Type "help" for more information.

  app          The WSGI application.
  registry     Active Pyramid registry.
  request      Active request object.
  root         Root of the default resource tree.
  root_factory Default root factory used to create `root`.

Custom Variables:
  m            bodhi.server.models

>>> u = m.User.query.filter_by(name=u'user_1').one()
>>> = u''
>>> m.Session().commit()

Troubleshooting and Resolution

Atomic OSTree compose failure

If the Atomic OSTree compose fails with some sort of Device or Resource busy error, then run mount to see if there are any stray tmpfs mounts still active:

tmpfs on /var/lib/mock/fedora-22-updates-testing-x86_64/root/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.bylgUq type tmpfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,mode=755)

You can then umount /var/lib/mock/fedora-22-updates-testing-x86_64/root/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.bylgUq and resume the push again.

nfs repodata cache IOError

Sometimes you may hit an IOError during the updateinfo.xml generation process from createrepo_c:

IOError: Cannot open /mnt/koji/mash/updates/epel7-160228.1356/../epel7.repocache/repodata/repomd.xml: File /mnt/koji/mash/updates/epel7-160228.1356/../epel7.repocache/repodata/repomd.xml doesn't exists or not a regular file

This issue will be resolved with NFSv4, but in the mean time it can be worked around by removing the .repocache directory and resuming the push:

rm -fr /mnt/koji/mash/updates/epel7.repocache