Torrent Releases Infrastructure SOP is our master torrent server for Fedora distribution. It runs out of ibiblio.

Contact Information


Fedora Infrastructure Team


#fedora-admin, sysadmin-torrent group





Provides the torrent master server for Fedora distribution

Torrent Release

When you want to add a new torrent to the tracker at [46] you need to take the following steps to have it listed correctly:

  1. login to If you are unable to do so please:: contact the fedora infrastructure group about access. This procedure requires membership in the torrentadmin group.

  2. Change the group ID to torrentadmin

newgrp torrentadmin

Remove everything from the working directory /srv/torrent/new/fedora/

rm -r /srv/torrent/new/fedora/*

rsync all the iso’s from ibiblio

rsync -avhHP rsync://<Version>_<Release>-<Label>/*/*/iso/ /srv/torrent/new/fedora/

Then cd into /srv/torrent/new/fedora/ to change the directory structure

cd /srv/torrent/new/fedora/

The directories should be created by removing Label in the iso’s name

for iso in $(ls *iso); do dest=$(echo $iso|sed -e 's|-<Label>.iso||g' ); mkdir $dest; mv $iso $dest; done

Now copy the checksum’s into the associated directories

for checksum in $(ls *CHECKSUM); do for file in $(grep "SHA256 (" $checksum |sed -e 's|SHA256 (||g' -e 's|-<Label>.*||g' ); do cp $checksum $file ; done; done

Verify if all the checksums are copied into the right locations

ls */

Remove the manifest files and checksums for netinst (since we dont mirror netinst images) and other files

rm -rf *manifest *netinst* *CHECKSUM *i386 *x86_64

Run the maketorrent script from /srv/torrent/new/fedora/

../maketorrent *

Next steps should be run 12 hours before the release time which is generally 14:00 UTC on Tuesday.

Grab from releng scripts and change it to executable

cd ~
chmod 755 ~/

Run the following command from /srv/torrent/new/fedora/

~/ <Version>_<Release> <Current_Date> > <Version>_<Release>.ini

Copy all the torrents to /srv/web/torrents/

cp *torrent /srv/web/torrents/

Copy everything in /srv/torrent/new/fedora/ to /srv/torrent/btholding/

cp -rl * /srv/torrent/btholding/

Copy the .ini file created in step 12 to /srv/torrent/torrent-generator/

sudo cp <Version>_<Release>.ini /srv/torrent/torrent-generator/

Restart rtorrent and opentracker services

systemctl restart opentracker-ipv4 opentracker-ipv6

sudo -i

su -s /bin/bash torrent

tmux (or tmux attach if the session is already running)

control-q if rtorrent is already running.

cd /srv/torrent/btholding

rtorrent *.torrent

control-b d (disconnect from tmux)

For final release, remove all the alpha and beta directories and torrent files corresponding to the release in /srv/torrent/btholding/ directory.


At EOL of a release, remove all the directories and torrent files corresponding to the release in /srv/torrent/btholding/ directory.