fedmsg-gateway SOP

Outgoing raw ZeroMQ message stream.


see also: fedmsg-websocket

Contact Information


Messaging SIG, Fedora Infrastructure Team


#fedora-apps, #fedora-admin, #fedora-noc


busgateway01, proxy0*


Expose raw ZeroMQ messages outside the FI environment.


Users outside of Fedora Infrastructure can listen to the production message bus by connecting to specific addresses. This is required for local users to run their own hubs and message processors ("Consumers"). It is also required for user-facing tools like fedmsg-notify to work.

The specific public endpoints are:





fedmsg-gateway, the daemon running on busgateway01, is listening to the FI production fedmsg bus and will relay every message that it receives out to a special ZMQ pub endpoint bound to port 9940. haproxy mediates connections to the fedmsg-gateway daemon.

Connection Flow

Clients connect through haproxy on proxy0*:9940 are redirected to busgateway0*:9940. This can be found in the haproxy.cfg entry for listen fedmsg-raw-zmq

This is different than the apache reverse proxy pass setup we have for the app0* and packages0* machines. That flow looks something like this:

Client -> apache(proxy01) -> haproxy(proxy01) -> apache(app01)

The flow for the raw zmq stream provided by fedmsg-gateway looks something like this:

Client -> haproxy(proxy01) -> fedmsg-gateway(busgateway01)

haproxy is listening on a public port.

At the time of this writing, haproxy does not actually load balance zeromq session requests across multiple busgateway0* machines, but there is nothing stopping us from adding them. New hosts can be added in ansible and pressed from busgateway01’s template. Add them to the fedmsg-raw-zmq listen in haproxy’s config and it should Just Work.

Increasing the Maximum Number of Concurrent Connections

HTTP requests are typically very short (a few seconds at most). This means that the number of concurrent tcp connections we require for most of our services is quite low (1024 is overkill). ZeroMQ tcp connections, on the other hand, are expected to live for quite a long time. Consequently we needed to scale up the number of possible concurrent tcp connections.

All of this is in ansible and should be handled for us automatically if we bring up new nodes.

  • The pam_limits user limit for the fedmsg user was increased from 1024 to 160000 on busgateway01.

  • The pam_limits user limit for the haproxy user was increased from 1024 to 160000 on the proxy0* machines.

  • The zeromq High Water Mark (HWM) was increased to 160000 on busgateway01.

  • The maximum number of connections allowed was increased in haproxy.cfg.


New nagios checks were added for this that check to see if the number of concurrent connections through haproxy is approaching the maximum number allowed.

You can check these numbers by hand by inspecting the haproxy web interface: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/haproxy/proxy1#fedmsg-raw-zmq

Look at the "Sessions" section. "Cur" is the current number of sessions versus "Max", the maximum number seen at the same time and "Limit", the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed.


We had RHIT open up port 9940 special to proxy01.phx2 for this.